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Giving Back During the Holidays

The holiday season is often referred to as the most wonderful time of year. A time centered around the greater good, finding the perfect gift, celebrating with family and friends, spreading joy, and giving to those we appreciate most. Not just for family and friends, but also for the communities which keep ourselves and our businesses going. Not only is it important to give back to your local community, but doing so serves as a beacon of all the good received and the willingness you and your business possess to spread that good far and wide. 

Why Giving Back Is Important

A simple answer to this question is to show you care about supporting your community, but there’s much more to this story than fostering a proper social image to promote. It’s easy to get lost in the commercialism and luxuries of the holiday season that many get to enjoy. For some, however, the holiday spirit we know so well can be hard to come by and make life even more stressful for those less fortunate. 

The holidays pose a risk to some as they happen during a fridged time of year with brutal temperatures and conditions for most of the country. For those without a home or a surplus of warm clothing and adequate food, receiving support results in a profound, lasting positive impact. 

Giving back also shows you and your business embrace the true meaning of the most wonderful time of year. The holidays have always meant to be a time for unwavering togetherness, community, and giving back to those in need. Without giving back, realizing the true meaning of the holidays won’t materialize. 

Ways to Give Back This Season

  • Set Up a Food Drive

Hosting a food drive is a great way to give back to those in need during the holidays. Be sure to collect non-perishables such as canned foods and soups with long shelf lives. Also find and contact a local food bank, such as Feeding America, before you conduct your drive. Doing so ensures you collect the type of food the bank will accept. Encourage neighbors and friends to help and spread the joy together! 

  • Start a Toy Drive

Toy drives are an easy and effective method of giving back to children in need throughout your community. Search local toy drives such as Toys for Tots where you can drop off the donations you collect and inquire about the deadlines and requirements before beginning your toy drive. It’s a good idea to promote that you’re doing a toy drive on social media and email blasts so that any customers or friends who stop by can leave toys in addition to your staff or family members.

  • Donate to Local Nonprofits 

No matter where you are, the chances of a well-respected nonprofit being close by are higher than you might think. Work to identify a nonprofit that supports a cause near and dear to you or your organization to add more meaning to your efforts. Donating to nonprofits also serve as a possible tax deduction for your organization. It’s a win-win scenario, you show you and your organization care about and support local community efforts, and you could get a tax break. 

  • Volunteer in your community

Get out and identify opportunities to volunteer in your community during the holidays. Whether picking up shifts at a homeless shelter, planting trees, building a house, picking up trash, or volunteering at a charity event, putting yourself and your organization out there shows your willingness to contribute to your community. Get the most out of a volunteer opportunity by applying any unique skills you have and contributing to an issue that’s important to you. Volunteering is one of the fastest ways to leave a positive impact on your community as there are countless avenues and options out there.

How Kessler is Giving Back

This holiday season, Kessler Creative has started a toy drive to support our local Toys for Tots in Jacksonville, Florida, and donated to several local charitable foundations. We’ve already collected dozens of toys from our staff and local customers! Kessler has also donated multiple print projects and given financial support to charitable and mission-driven foundations such as our local Ronald McDonald House, The Florida Ballet, The PXG Women’s Match Play Championship, the East Coast Women’s Pro Golf Tour, and the YMCA. 

Kessler has always been invested in our local community and this holiday season will be no different. Get out there and support your local community this year! You won’t regret the benefits you, your organization, and your community sees from your contributions. 

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