Is Your Company Built to Last?
This is a tough question especially in tough times. We all know that everyone’s budget has been cut and every business is looking for a way to spend their money in the most profitable way possible. So the question is: How do I as a small business owner build a company that will last?
At first glance, you may slash your marketing budget. Why would you continue to market your product and spend dollars you desperately need to pay monthly bills? But, I highly urge you to reconsider. Marketing is an investment into the future of your company.
Guerrilla Marketing founder, Jay Conrad Levinson, says
“Marketing is not an event, but a process . . . It has a beginning, a middle, but never an end, for it is a process. You improve it, perfect it, change it, even pause it. But you never stop it completely. A process is defined as series of actions or operations marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result. If we are to take the advice of a marketing professional, we would never end our process of marketing. We would define and redefine the series of actions, continue to make changes, improving upon our current process, and work on perfecting the process.”
How can you change your process to get more for your money? The 2 big parts of the process are Who and What. Who is your target marketing audience. Who you send to needs to be the right who, and needs to be a reachable who. What is the piece you are sending with the message. The message is the part that needs to updated, fresh, and audience worthy.
At times like these, your target audience needs you now more than ever. They need to remember you are there, they need to remember you provide a great service at a reasonable price all the time, and they need a little incentive at times like this.
Call Kessler Creative today to learn how we can help you feel your company is built to last.