USPS Honors Kessler Creative at NPF
The United States Postal Service recently honored Kessler Creative at the National Postal Forum, held in San Antonio, Texas May 6-9, 2018. As one of fourteen award winners nationwide for innovation and industry best practices, the Mailing Innovation and Digital Award recognizes companies which have disrupted the mailing landscape and created innovative solutions adding value to the mail stream. Each company honored has leveraged new technologies to drive growth, achieve its business objectives and prove mail, combined with digital, is a winning proposition.
Kessler Creative’s customer was struggling with its customer loyalty program and called on Kessler to assist. Kessler Creative used its Loyalty Direct System, which builds in-depth data based on customer activity. It used customer-unique redemption tracking barcodes on each mail-piece sent to customers. Consequently, the client’s customer loyalty became trackable and actionable. Using advanced analytics to prepare the most effective mailing lists, Kessler Creative’s customer achieved more than a 13.8 % response rate.